It's expected to conform with the norm these days and wish EVERYONE the usual HAPPY ~ HEALTHY ~ PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! . . . and that's all wonderful . . . EXCEPT absolutely NONE of those things can exist without the deepest human need of ALL ! So, I've decided to wish the world to be permeated through and through with PEACE
1. THINK ABOUT YOURSELF CONSTANTLY. 2. USE " I " AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. 3. MIRROR YOURSELF CONTINUALLY BY THE OPINION OF OTHER PEOPLE. 4. LISTEN, GREEDILY, TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU AND IF IT'S NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR, GET ANGRY ! 5. EXPECT TO BE APPRECIATED BY EVERYONE. 6. BE SUSPICIOUS. 7. BE JEALOUS AND ENVIOUS. 8. BE SENSITIVE AND EASILY OFFENDED. 9. NEVER FORGIVE A CRITICISM. 10. TRUST NOBODY BUT YOURSELF. 11. INSIST UPON CONSIDERATION & RESPECT AT ALL TIMES. 12. DEMAND AGREEMENT WITH YOUR OWN VIEWS ON EVERYTHING. 13. SULK & FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF IF PEOPLE ARE NOT GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOU DO FOR THEM. 14. NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU'VE DONE FOR OTHER PEOPLE. THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL TIMES BUT . . . 15. ALWAYS REMEMBER WHAT THEY HAVE FAILED TO DO FOR YOU. 16. SHIRK YOUR DUTY. 17. SEEK , AT ALL TIMES, TO ENTERTAIN YOURSELF. 18. DO AS LITTLE AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Joyce Meyer ![]() While most everyone is thinking about apples in Fall, here in the Northeast the ELBERTA PEACHES have just finished their peak. My five year old tree produced better than a hundred pounds even after being pruned hard in late winter. ![]() Elbertas are fabulous eaten fresh. The stones pop right out and their perfume fills the house. Still, they can NEVER EVER compare with a peach grown in Georgia . ![]() I 've Grilled Elberta's, Pied Elbertas, Jammed, Ice Creamed and Baked Elbertas, added Ginger to them and even Chutneyed Elbertas ... no matter what I did to them, their flavor always vanished in the process ! ![]() I only know of THREE THINGS to successfully do with Elbertas : 1. Enjoy as many FRESH as you can stand 2. delight your neighbors and friends with bags of them ... and ... 3. make PEACH CORDIAL ![]()
SLAINTE ~ SEI GESUND ~ SANTE SALUTE ~ SKOL ~ CHEERS A'KALE MA'LUNA ~ KIPPIS ~ PROSIT A dear friend of mine has two gnarled hundred year old apple trees on her property. brought to Upstate NY from Scotland as seedlings. They look very much like these. The apples are super hard and sturdy, yellow with brown spots and an occasional blush. Thankfully, she never sprays them and they yield abundant disease free fruit every October. The skins are thin but strong, and when they drop, they retain their shape and are not marred. They're crisp and snap when bitten into; luscious sweet, somewhat spicy and tart and nothing at all like any store bought apple. This variety is considered a rarity... an heirloom once popular in the Catskill Region where Cider Mills used to dot the valleys, known as The CHAMPAGNE of APPLES. ![]() We've used these apples in every conceivable way with excellent results; our second favorite being apple sauce. It was when we juiced them that we understood just how special they really are ! This rare cultivar deserves to live on. I harvested seed from two apples in October 2014 and placed them between sheets of dampened paper towel in a covered airtight container stored in the fridge. ![]() According to Apple Tree Propagating Experts, if the seed doesn't sprout in two weeks time, they should be considered discardable duds. I almost followed that advice when a month had gone by with no changes and again when two months showed nothing. Patience paid off well after the third month with a 60% sprout ! I'm so excited about planting them all, watching that first set of leaves form and giving trees away to good homes ! WANT ONE ? HERE IT IS ! The perfectly thoughtful, practical and reasonably priced gift your friends and relatives will be using more often than not. Now, please know that absolutely NO ONE asked me to write this on NINJA's behalf. This NINJA EXPRESS CHOP came last week as a credit card points trade and these pics were taken in my kitchen today. You can buy yours at TARGET K~MART AMAZON Originally, I wasn't at all happy about any of the redemption items, but my plan was to cash in on accumulated points and cancel the card. I was also disgusted that 4,000 points afforded me a mere $ 20.00 item. I certainly wasn't expecting much from this appliance. The beautifully designed compact top holds the motor with electrical cord and feels secure in one hand. The Tupperware style lid has a capped hole, preventing dirt from affecting the motor housing and doubling as a food storage cover. The blade body sits on a stainless steel pin and easily lifts straight up and off without me being concerned about slicing a finger. I loaded the sturdy plastic container with one rib CELERY cut into 3 inch lengths, the YELLOW PEPPER, a slice of GINGER, a quartered CLEMENTINE with a slice of peel, half a TOMATOE quartered, some fresh CILANTRO, a teaspoon of BRAGG's organic APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and a splash of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. . . . and put on the lid as instructed. I placed the motor housing on top, which easily connected to the blade through the open hole in the lid, pushed down on the silver "switch" to the count of ONE ~ TWO ~ THREE If you look close, you'll notice two pepper seeds at the bottom of the base. The base stayed sturdy and stationary as it chopped, never slipping or sliding ! . . . grabbed the white blade stem and lifted it straight up ~ off ~ and out ! Could've put on the fitted storage lid and refridgerated... But . . . It was SO DELICIOUS . . .
didn't even need salt . . . devoured the entire thing ! YUM !!! Anyway, I LOVE this thing and hope it lasts awhile. It seems like it will. Your comments are most appreciated and your personal info remains private. HAPPY CHANUKKAH MERRY CHRISTMAS The Gift of KNOWLEDGE enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth ~ in their relation to GOD. KNOWLEDGE unmasks the pretense of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of GOD. It shows us the loving care of GOD even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in EVERY circumstance of life. Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of GOD beyond ALL else. Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesses it. PRAYER:
PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU: NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH, GIVE I UNTO YOU. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID. John 14:27 "Without a deep inner state of quietness, one becomes prey to tension, worry and ill health. A song... a sunset... moonlight... the sea washing on a sandy shore, these administer a healing balm. But they lack power to penetrate the inner recesses of the soul. A profound depth therapy is required to attain healing quietness. An habitual repetition of this one text will, in time, permeate your personality with a complete sense of PEACE. When tense or restless, sit quietly and allow these words to pass unhindered through your thoughts. Conceive of them as spreading a healing balm throughout your mind." Norman Vincent Peale HAPPY EASTER ! YOUR COMMENTS WELCOME and ALWAYS SECURE !!! Whether it's a HUGE City, like New York, or a tiny hamlet in New York, or ANYWHERE in the USA, the HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY ACT better known as HIPAA has a PRIVACY ACT that defines policies, procedures and guidelines for maintaining the PRIVACY and SECURITY of individually identifiable health information for the living AS WELL AS THE DECEASED !!! Deceased individuals have the SAME rights as the living for FIFTY YEARS after their demise. But WHAT can be done when that privacy has not only been violated but also slandered in a small town where gossip is as common as SNOW ? If one is living in that tiny town, would it be wise or SAFE to report the violators . . . OR . . . would it be best to remind individuals working as Health Care Providers and Assistants that these violations are EXTREMELY PAINFUL to remaining Family Members but also SERIOUSLY PUNISHABLE by damages up to a cost of $ 250,000.- PLUS YEARS OF JAIL TIME !!! If you would like to understand more about the privacy rights of your deceased loved ones CLICK HERE If you feel you have been violated ~ OR ~ You are the witness to such a violation I encourage you to file a report by CLICKING HERE !!! This is a CRIME that needs to be STOPPED ! "ET NON EST ULLA CREATURA INVISIBILLIS IN CONSPECTU EIUS OMNIA AUTEM NUDA ET APERTA SUNT OCULIS EIUS AD QUEM NOBIS SERMO." HEBREWS 4:13 I'D LOVE TO READ YOUR COMMENTS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DIVULGE YOUR REAL NAME NOR INSERT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS. THANK YOU !!! ![]() When I saw this gorgeous BOK CHOY at my local Market yesterday for a mere Dollar Fifty, I knew it had to come home with me. Although this veggie is claimed to be in the Cabbage Family, I'd rather liken it to Chard with a very mild flavor. BOK CHOY { click on the highlighted word to learn more } has been analyzed for its contribution to human health. ![]() ONE CUP of the cooked stuff is said to yield: BETA CAROTENE 2.6 mg VITAMIN C 44 mg FOLIC ACID 69 mcg CALCIUM 158 mg POTASSIUM 631 mg MAGNESSIUM 19 mg It also contains GLUCOSINOLATES click on highlighted word to learn more which have been known to inhibit cancer when ingested in small doses. ![]() It being so cold outside, I decided to make a Thai inspired soup of it with hopes of being infused with tropical warmth. BOK CHOY SHRIMP SOUP ONE BOK CHOY WASHED and CHOPPED RAW SHRIMP HALF POUND or MORE PEEL the SHRIMP reserving the skins and bring the skins to a BOIL in 1 CAN COCONUT WATER mixed with 1/2 CUP or MORE WHITE WINE SIMMER this for about FIVE MINUTES and SET ASIDE. Git yerself 'bout ONE TABLESPOON of COCONUT OIL and bring it near SMOKIN' HOT in a WOK ! DUMP the CHOPPED BOK CHOY in the WOK and STIR FRY for about SEVEN MINUTES. It will throw off lots of its own liquid. ![]() ADD TWO CLOVES MINCED GARLIC, about a TABLESPOON FRESH GRATED GINGER OR USE THE POWDERED GINGER IF YOU MUST SPLASH IN about 1/4 CUP of KEY LIME JUICE and a TABLESPOON or MORE of TAMARI or SOY SAUCE DRIZZLE IN HALF TEASPOON of SESAME OIL POUR in RESERVED SHRIMP SKIN LIQUID without the skins o'course A DASH OR TWO TOBASCO AND FINALLY THE RAW SHRIMP !!! ![]() JUST HEAT THIS ALL THROUGH FOR A VERY FEW SHORT MINUTES... DON'T OVERCOOK THE SHRIMP ! POUR YOURSELF A GLASS OF WINE TRADITIONALLY WHITE WITH FISH BUT I STILL PREFER RED FILL SOME BOWLS and SMILE ON YERSELF !!! DELICIOUS ! YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED ! PLEASE KNOW YOU NEED NOT SUPPLY YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ! ![]() Every adult in the USA should be made aware of HIPAA Privacy Rules, { click highlighted text to learn details }, and how they affect one's personal health care. It would be a lie to claim that these lengthy and complicated laws were only created to protect an individual's medical information from becoming public. There's a great deal more to it than meets the immediate eye. There is a very real danger to every adult US Citizen, of being victimized by Medical decisions made by strangers, some based on Federal Law, as opposed to personal medical choices. The HIPAA Privacy Rules make it impossible for even your nearest and dearest to know anything about your Medical condition and certainly prevents anyone, except those in the Medical Community, from making decisions regarding your medical treatment, should it be determined that you are incapable ! It's simple and inexpensive to protect yourself against becoming vulnerable to this danger. You'll need a few sheets of paper and a dollar as payment to a Notary, { easily found at most Banks }, to create a legal document that will name one, { or more }, of your chosen trusted individuals who can act as a Health Care Agent on your behalf, to carry out your health care decisions, in the event you become incapable of doing so yourself. This legal document is called a HEALTH CARE PROXY or HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE. Each State has it's own HEALTH CARE PROXY or DIRECTIVE FORM requirements, but, mostly they are the same. I suggest you GOOGLE SEARCH your particular State. New Yorkers can copy, paste and print the following form: Fill in the form as you desire, BUTT, SIGN IT ONLY WHEN THE NOTARY IS READY !!! ![]() Keep your original document safe at home and carry a copy in your wallet or handbag. Be certain to have all your Doctors, { including the Dentist !!! }, make a copy and request to have it stapled to the inside cover of your personal folder. Supply your chosen Health Care Agents with a few copies too. The following real life situation could have been avoided with this simple one page document: Susan and James Smith have been happily married for ten years. One unfortunate morning, Susan was in a car accident on the way to work. Unconscious, but still alive, the ambulance takes her to a local Hospital for emergency treatment. Lucky for Susan, a neighbor witnesses the accident and tells her husband. James rushes to the Hospital and identifies himself at the Emergency Room Reception Window where he learns that the HIPAA Privacy Rules prevent the staff from divulging ANY information regarding the medical treatment of his beloved wife, Susan !!! THE NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN ! It has now been determined that Susan Smith has suffered irreversible brain and body trauma. She is in horrible pain and incoherent. The medical staff injects her with morphine and, because of Federal Law, they place Susan on Life Support. Every three hours the morphine wears off and Susan writhes in horrible pain for fifteen minutes as nurses run to hold her down and administer another dose of morphine. There is no hope for Susan's recovery, but Life Support can keep her in this state for several months... perhaps several years. James is distraught and has absolutely NO legal right to make any decision regarding the Medical care of his beloved wife. He knows she was against having her life prolonged with artificial respiration, feeding and hydration tubes and is, himself, traumatized by the fact that he has no ability to honour her health care wishes and alleviate her unnecessary suffering. Will he be able to find a Lawyer who can help them ? Dear Reader: I would love to read and respond to your input and comments ! Just CLICK on the word "Comments" to get started. YOU WILL BE ASKED TO INSERT A NAME BUTT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE A REAL NAME AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILL IN AN E-MAIL ADDRESS, UNLESS YOU WANT TO ! THANK YOU ! |
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May 2019